You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 8, 2009.

This week has flown by (thank you, Lord!) and now I’m finally done with all the stupid nitty gritty assignments that I’ll be missing. People are vanishing slowly one by one, and its finally my turn tomorrow to leave! Friday night, Emily hosted a prospective student from Spring Arbor! So we tried to make her night as “fun” as possible. Instead, I think we scared her away with our movie choice. We had fun though, and she enjoyed herself too.


Last night I thought would be totally boring and routine, but the boys decided to take us to South Street, which was sooo fun!! I hope we get to do that more often! It was also awesome to go because I was so stressed that morning with all those interviews, especially my last one, she definetly scared the krap out of me!

South Street has so many sweet shops and things to look at. I think we went in all kinds of stores. A hindu/indian bookstore that sold LOTS of incense and attracted lots of gay guys too. Hartmen put a hex on Matt while we found what all of our names mean, my means “truthful” but I already knew that one.  We went into Condom Kingdom which was tons of kicks and giggles. Literally. I laughed so hard in that store. We also went into African Invasion or something where we shopped for bowls, that was hilarious, especially when Hartmen pointed out what they looked like. Also the trash city,,, or whatever its called, soooo cool! I want to live there. The picture below is from Dumpster Dreams, or something like that. They recycle stuff and turn it to be really awesome, definetly sweet!


All in all, it was a good week and I’m glad its over so I can get going! ballinnnn!


from, alice.

March 2009