You are currently browsing the daily archive for March 4, 2009.

So today was the most eventful yet un-eventful day I’ve had in a long time!

I have to go on this stupid field trip downtown on Thursday and it requires us to go get our own train ticket. The office closes at 12:30pm so that means my roomate and I have to go right after class. The wind chill today was 3degrees so walking off campus and then an extra block was not a most popular thought to me. We get ten steps off of campus when a silver car with dark tinted windows pulls up beside us and rolls the passenger window down an inch and he asks us “where you two headed?”

At first, being completely oblivious to the situation, like usual, I wave at them because they look like two classmates. But no! It’s definetly not…. so we keep walking. “Girls, its cold outside. Just hop in and we’ll drop you off where you need to go”

……..*do you think we’re stupid!?why would we ever get in your car?* so we keep walking. “where you headed?” this is like the fifth time he says it and we keep saying “we’re fine” and then eventually start to ignore him. At the point where I realize that this is not a good situation and am about to turn around, they sped off. I happen to tell friends, cuz now I think its funny, but they all kinda just told us we were really stupid. haha, guess we should think twice next time :]

Well I volunteer at a crisis pregancy center/sexual resources center. Basically, girls come to either get pregnancy tests or std testing which is all completely confidential and free. We also have options counseling for girls who are thinking about abortion, and materials assistance where we can offer them free supplies for the baby. Its a really awesome ministry and I love participating. I dont do much of the hands on stuff, and today I just answered the phone and vacuumed the office. But I was bored so this is what I came up with.


It didnt scan as well as I would have hoped, but oh well!



from, me.

March 2009