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break is over. and it was awesome.

nuff said!

from, alice.

I made it through!

Just one more exam (that is screaming “fail me!”)

then a game for nationals.

then home ;]

from, alice.

This is my 100th post! didnt think I’d make it this far anytime soon!

Well the circus was awesome!!

we had a lot of fun, and it was so much better than I expected!

today…. nationals starts. so we’ll see if i can just make it through this to get on spring break!!

from, alice.

act like a little kid? yes! i think so!

going to the circus today and its exciting!

from, alice.

ever have those classes that you just kinda breeze by with little effort… until a test comes?!

oh. em. gee. my mid term next tuesday is going to be a beast and i’m paying for it royally. since all his notes and such are online and such, so i havent been paying attention… and such.

oh well. its kinda a memorization type test and so i think i’ll do fine, since thats how i learn. its just a matter of finding time to sit down and memorize ;]

sooo i’m going to the circus on thursday! i’m so freaking excited! maybe even more excited than the four year old that gets to tag along with us. we’ll see how it goes!

it was weird, i woke up like an hour and a half early today and was wide awake, i had to force myself back to sleep. i even thought about waking up and getting ready, but that would have been done. maybe its the fact that i get up 20mins before this class cuz i just dont care on tue/thur, so my body is used to getting up and taking a shower and doing my hair, but i do it after this class.

anyways, thats my useless information today! much love world! haha

from, alice.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! and we won the regional title last night! in the most epic and awesome game. i was stressed the ENTIRE game. the fans were outrageous and quite hostile. its funny because we played them a month ago and lost by 9, and that was the first time they won in 14 years. so now they were all hype and getting out of hand. lots of technicals and throwing out of fans to go around!


We have a game today, but I get a nap, and I get out of work. Nice.

I cant wait for spring break, its 11 days away.

I’m wearing a new shirt today, I bought it on ebay.

thats all.

from, alice.

So worst schedule this week known to man.

but i can do it!

this game amuses me. i’m not sure why.

but its a snow day, so i’m off to not be productive, like playing this game!

from, alice.

Can you see the air change?
Can you see that a hear breaks?
I know that both do happen.

But all I want is faith.
Because I can feel this,
And so much so I believe it.
But still there is a struggle,
And all I want is faith.

And I believe I’ll move the mountains,
I think,
Or maybe I’ll drown in the sea.

Keep holding on,
All I got is holding on these roses,
The thorns keep on digging but my soul believes…please.

So here I breathe in oxygen I can’t see,
The oxygen that keeps me alive and wary,
Oh, yes I do perceive
That like the birds find provision and sanctuary,
You do this even more so for me…

But all I want is faith.
And I believe I’ll more the mountains,
I think
Or maybe I’ll drown in the sea.

Keep holding on,
All I got is holding on these roses,
The thorns keep on digging but my soul believes…please.

Places, seasons,
Millions of pieces,
Together and all alone,
Needing, Repeating,
Living and bleeding,
Lost in the cohesion.
Stagnant or will I run?
Give up or will I run into arms that are open?
Get rid of all the fear,
I know that you are here.

Keep holding on,
All I got is holding on these roses,
The thorns keep on digging but my soul believes…I see!

And it’s reminding me
That the thorns you wear
Is love that we must share.

the rocket summer.

he makes my life, and makes me want to cry, lol.

listen to it.

from, alice.

Today is crap.

I’m so tired, its ridiculous. I have an exam that I didnt study enough for. and work then youth group than presentation prep.

I would love a snow day tomorrow, but I dont want our game cancelled, that would be annoying.

I’m over this……….

from, alice.


the grave i’m in is getting somewhat smaller. by the grace of God i got 500 dollars to my name for my tremendous amount i owe to school (or they threaten to throw me out….oh geez) but now….. for the other 75% of it. ew.

you know when you write/type/draw alot and your shoulder gets really tense? yeahhh thats me right now. it feels like its never gonna relax or take one of those severely abrasive massages to work the knot out, the kind of massage that hurts. oh boy.

i am so excited to go home, like for real. i cant even contain my excitement. i hope that its as magical as i expect it to be… oh goodness.

well. thats about all. i plan to nap all day because tomorrow i work all day.

and the rocket summer release ❤ love!!!

from, alice.

May 2024